- Veyzle
- Brancheoplossingen
- Secundaire ontdoeners | handelaren
- EN643 - Oud-papier soortenlijst
Group classification:
Ordinary grades
Code: 1.01.00
Name: ordinary mixed paper and board
Description: a mixture of various grades of paper and board
Non-Paper components in % max: 1,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 3
Code: 1.02.00
Name: mixed paper and board
Description: a mixture of various qualities of paper and board containing a maximum of 40% newspapers and magazines.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 2,5
Code: 1.03.00
Name: boxboard cuttings
Description: Printed and unprinted white lined and unlined grey board or mixed board, free from corrugated material.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2
Code: 1.04.00
Name: corrugated paper and board packaging
Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 70% of corrugated board, the rest being other packaging papers and boards.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 3
Code: 1.04.01
Name: ordinary corrugated paper and board
Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 70% of corrugated board, the rest being other papers and board products.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 3
Code: 1.04.02
Name: currugated paper and board
Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 80% of corrugated board, the rest being other papers and board products.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 3
Code: 1.05.00
Name: ordinary corrugated board
Description: Used paper and board packaging, containing a minimum of 80% of corrugated board, the rest being other packaging papers and boards.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 2,5
Code: 1.05.01
Name: corrugated board
Description: Used boxes and sheets of corrugated board of various qualities, may include 5% of other packaging papers and boards
Non-Paper components in % max: 1,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 2,5
Code: 1.06.00
Name: magazines
Description: magazines, with or without glue
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 1.06.01
Name: magazines without glue
Description: magazines without glue
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 1.06.02
Name: magazines with product samples
Description: magazines , with of without glue, may contain non-paper components as attached product samples (percentage to be agreed between seller and buyer in addition tot the percentages in the colomns to the right).
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2
Code: 1.07.00
Name: telephone books
Description: new and used telephone books, with unlimited content of pages coloured in the mass, with and without glue. Shavings allowed.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 1.09.00
Name: newspapers and magazines
Description: mixture of newspapers and magazines (predominantly unsold) each of them with a minimum of 30%.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 1.11.00
Name: sorted grapic paper for deinking
Description: sorted grapic paper, consisting of a minimum of 80% newspapers and magazines. It shall contain at least 30% newspapers and 40% magazines. Print products which are not suitable for deinking are limited to 1,5%
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 2,5
Medium grades
Code: 2.01.00
Name: newspapers
Description: newspapers containing a maximum of 5% of newspapers of advertisements coloured in the mass.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1,5
Code: 2.02.00
Name: unsold newspapers not intended for deinking
Description: unsold newspapers which may contain inserts originally circulated with the publication. No additional inserts allowed. Paper products not suitable for deinking are allowed.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.02.01
Name: unsold newspapers
Description: unsold newspapers which may contain inserts originally circulated with the publication. No additional inserts allowed.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.03.00
Name: lightly printed white shavings
Description: lightly printed white shavings, coated or uncoated, mainly mechanical pulp-based paper with no restriction for glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.03.01
Name: lightly printed white shavings without glue
Description: lightly printed white shavings, coated or uncoated, mainly mechanical pulp-based paper without glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.04.00
Name: heavily printed white shavings
Description: heavily printed white shavings, coated or uncoated, mainly mechanical pulp-based paper with no restriction for glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.04.01
Name: heavily printed white shavings without glue
Description: heavily printed white shavings, coated or uncoated, mainly mechanical pulp-based paper without glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.05.00
Name: ordinary sorted office paper
Description: Paper, as typically generated by offices, shredded or unshredded, printed, may contain coloured papers, with a minimum 60% wood free paper, free of carbon and principally free from carbonless copy paper (CCP)/np carbon required (NCR), less than 10% unbleached fibres including manila envelopes and file covers, less than 5% newspapers and packaging.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2
Code: 2.05.01
Name: sorted office paper
Description: Paper, as typically generated by offices, shredded or unshredded, printed, may contain coloured papers, with a minimum 80% wood free paper, free of carbon and principally free from carbonless copy paper (CCP)/np carbon required (NCR), less than 5% unbleached fibres including manila envelopes and file covers.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2
Code: 2.06.00
Name: ordinary sorted colored letters
Description: Paper, as typically generated by offices, shredded or unshredded, lightly printed, mass coloured paper allowed but nog deep coloured papers, with a minimum 70% wood free paper, free of carbon and principally free from carbonless copy paper (CCP)/np carbon required (NCR), free of manila envelopes, file covers, newspapers and cardboards.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2
Code: 2.06.01
Name: sorted colored letters
Description: Paper, as typically generated by offices, shredded or unshredded, lightly printed, mass coloured paper allowed but nog deep coloured papers, with a minimum 90% wood free paper, free of carbon and principally free from carbonless copy paper (CCP)/np carbon required (NCR), free of manila envelopes, file covers, newspapers and cardboards.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2
Code: 2.07.00
Name: white wood free book quire
Description: Books or their shavings, without hard covers, mainly of white wood free paper, mainly black printed, containing a maximum of 10% coated paper.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.07.01
Name: white mechanical pulp-based bookquire
Description: Books or their shavings mainly without hard covers, mainly of white wood free paper, mainly black printed, containing a maximum of 10% coated paper.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.08.00
Name: coloured wood free magazines
Description: Coated or uncoated magazines, white or coloured in the mass, free from hard covers bindings and poster papers. May include heavily printed circulars and coloured in the mass shavings. Contain a maximum of 10% mechanical pulp-based papers.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.10.00
Name: bleached wood free board with plastic layer
Description: Unprinted bleached wood free boeard with plastic layer from board manufacturers and converters.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.11.00
Name: board with plastic layer
Description: Printed of unprinted board with plastic layer. May contain unblaeched board and paper from board manufacturers and converters.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.12.00
Name: mechanical pulp-based computer print-out
Description: Machinical pulp-based continuous computer printout may include recycled fibres.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.13.00
Name: multigrade
Description: a blend of coloured and white letters, coloured wood free magazines and other wood free papers and shavings. Free from newsprint but 10% of other wood containing papers are permitted. May contain 2% paper with plastic layer.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.14.00
Name: coloured log end tissue
Description: unused coloured tissue including soft cores. May contain printed material
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 2.14.01
Name: white log end tissue
Description: unused white tissue including soft cores. May contain printed material
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
High grades
Code: 3.01.00
Name: mixed lightly coloured printer shavings
Description: Mixed shavings of printing and writing papers, lightly coloured in the mass, containing a minimum of 50% of wood free paper.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.02.00
Name: mixed lightly coloured wood free printer shavings
Description: Mixed shavings of printing and writing papers, lightly coloured in the mass, containing a minimum of 90% of wood free paper.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.03.00
Name: Wood free binders
Description: white wood free lightly printed shavings with glue, free from paper coloured in the mass. May contain 2% paper with plastic mayer and a maximum of 10% of mechanical pulp-based paper.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.03.01
Name: special wood free binders
Description: White wood free lightly printed shavings with glue, free from paper coloured in the mass. Plastic layered and mechanical pulp-based papers not permitted.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.04.00
Name: tear white shavings
Description: white wood free lightly printed shavings without glue, free from wet -strength paper and paper coloured in the mass.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.05.00
Name: white wood free letters
Description: Sorted uncoated white wood free printing and writing papers, printed, free from cash books, carbon paper and non-water soluble adhesives. May contain 5% mechanical pulp-based paper.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.05.01
Name: white wood free letters unprinted
Description: sorted uncoated white wood free printing and writing papers, unprinted, free from carbon paper, carbonless paper (NCR) and non-water soluble adhesives.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.06.00
Name: white business forms
Description: white wood business forms free from carbonless paper (NCR) and glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.08.00
Name: printed bleached sulphate board
Description: heavily printed sheets of bleached sulphate board, without glue, polycoated of waxed materials.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.09.00
Name: lightly printed bleached sulphate board
Description: lightly printed sheets of bleached sulphate board, without glue, plastic layers waxed materials.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.10.00
Name: multi printing
Description: lightly printed wood-free coated papers in sheets of trim, free from wet-strenght paper and from paper coloured in the mass.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.10.01
Name: medium printed multi printing
Description: medium and heavily printed wood free coated papers in sheets or trim, free from wet strength paper and from paper coloured in the mass.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 3.11.00
Name: white heavily printed multiply board
Description: new cuttings of heavily printed white multiply board, containing wood free or wood containing plies, but without grey and brown plies.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.11.01
Name: mixed white heavily printed multiply board
Description: new cutting of heavily printed white multiply board, containing wood free or wood containing plies, with a maximum of 20% grey and brown plies
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.12.00
Name: white lightly printed multiply board
Description: new cuttings of heavily printed white multiply board, containing wood free or mechanical pulp-based plies, but without grey and brown plies.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.13.00
Name: white unprinted multiply board
Description: new cuttings of unprinted white multiply board, containing wood free or mechanical pulp-based plies, but without grey and brown plies.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.14.00
Name: white newspaper
Description: Shavings and sheets of white unprinted newsprint, free from magazine paper and glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.15.00
Name: white mechanical pulp-based paper
Description: Shavings and sheets of white unprinted coated and uncoated mechanical pulp-based paper without glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.15.01
Name: white coated mechanical pulp-based paper
Description: Shavings and sheets of white unprinted mechanical pulp-based coated paper without glue
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.16.00
Name: white coated wood free paper
Description: shavings and sheets of white unprinted wood free coated paper without glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.16.01
Name: white wood free papers
Description: shavings and sheets of white unprinted wood free coated and uncoated paper without glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.17.00
Name: white shavings
Description: shavings and sheets of white unprinted paper, free from newsprint containing a minimum of 60% of wood free paper. Nu glue permitted.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.18.00
Name: white wood free shavings
Description: Shavings and sheets of white unprinted wood free paper, may contain a maximum of 5% of coated paper. Without glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.18.01
Name: white wood free uncoated shavings
Description: Shavings and sheets of white unprinted wood free paper, free from coated paper. Without glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.18.02
Name: white envelope cuttings
Description: Shavings and sheets of white unprinted wood free paper, free from coated paper. May contain some glue.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.19.00
Name: unprinted bleached sulphate board
Description: Unprinted sheets of bleached sulphate board, without glue, polycoated or waxed materials.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.20.00
Name: unprinted tissue coloured in the mass
Description:Unused unprinted tissue coloured in the mass free of packaging materials.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 3.20.01
Name: white unprinted tissue
Description: Unused white unprinted tissue free from packaging materials.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Kraft grades
Code: 4.01.00
Name: unused board and shavings of corrugated material
Description: Unused boxes, sheets and shavings of corrugated board, with liners or kraft and/or testliner.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 4.01.01
Name: unused corrugated kraft
Description: Unused boxes, sheets an shavings of corrugated board, with kraft liners only, the fluting made from chemical of chemo thermo mechanical pulp ( CTMP)
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,25
Total unwanted material in % max: 0,5
Code: 4.02.00
Name: used corrugated kraft 1
Description: Used boxes of corrugated board, with kraft liners only, the fluting made from chemo thermo mechanical pulp ( CTMP)
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2,5
Code: 4.03.00
Name: used corrugated kraft 2
Description: Used boxes of corrugated board, with liners of kraft or testliners but having at least one liner made of kraft.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2,5
Code: 4.04.00
Name: used kraft sacks
Description: Clean used kraft sacks, May be printed or unprinted or may be wet strength and/or non wet-strength.
Non-Paper components in % max: 1
Total unwanted material in % max: 2
Code: 4.04.00
Name: unused kraft
Description: unused kraft sacks. May be printed or unprinted and may be wet strength and/or non wet-strength.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 4.06.00
Name: used kraft
Description: Used kraft paper and board of a natural of white shade. May be printed of unprinted.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 4.07.00
Name: new kraft
Description: shavings and other new kraft paper and board of a natural shade.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Code: 4.08.00
Name: new carrier kraft
Description: shavings and other new kraft paper and board of a natural shade.
Non-Paper components in % max: 0,5
Total unwanted material in % max: 1
Special grades